Project History - Apartment, Townhouse and Single Family Projects |
Avonlea Heights
1600 Block Plateau Crescent
59 homes
Sold out balance within 2 months
Garrison Court
5571 - 5591 Garrison Road
14 single family homes subdivision in Richmond
Building lots sold out within 3 months
Imperial Tower
811 Helmcken Street
132 unit condo/commercial project in Downtown Vancouver
Sold out during slower market conditions
Lagoon Royale
1970 Haro Street
15 unit condo project in Downtown Vancouver
Successfully sold out under slower market conditions
Parc Victory
8111 General Currie Road
18 unit townhouse project in Richmond
100% pre-sold
Pelican Pointe
5888 Dover Crescent
194 unit residential project in Richmond
Successfully completed sales program for developer
Residences and Terraces at the Crystal
6028 & 6088 Willingdon Avenue
218 unit strata low-rise and residential tower in Burnaby
50% sold within 12 months
Riverside Gardens
2723 East Kent Avenue
75 unit townhouse project in Vancouver
Successfully completed sales program for developer
Windsor Gardens
22888 Windsor Court
117 unit townhouse project in Richmond
80% sold out within 1 year